onsdag 31 augusti 2011

halv sju

Igår somnade jag klockan nio och vaknade klockan sex imorse. Kände mig pigg så drog ut på en joggingrunda i 45 min ;D nöööjd!

Idag har vi lekt i parken med barnen och i eftermiddags kom barnens kompisar och lekte och åt middag. Och solen tittade fram ikväll, men känns som att hösten är påväg hit nu. Imorgon är det första september. Sjukt vad tiden har gått fort. Har bott i England i 5 månader nu..

Jag kommer hem om 5 veckor. Känner mig liteeee smått stressad inför det, för jag vet ej om all min packning kommer få plats i mina 2 resväskor + plus 1 handbagage. Har shoppat alldeles för mycket i London under tiden jag varit här... På söndag ska jag prova att packa i alla saker och se om det får plats så att jag vet i förväg. Då blir det att köpa en till resväska i sådant fall. Hoppas verkligen att allt får plats..

tisdag 30 augusti 2011

Pirate ship

Idag skulle jag ta hand om baby O på förmiddagen för J skulle åka iväg med tvillingarna och handla. Men A ville följa med mig och baby O till lekparken istället :) så söt! Så jag, O & A gick till en lekpark där det finns ett pirat skepp! Det tyckte de var kul. Vi var där i säkert två timmar, sen gick vi hem och gjorde lunch och då kom J & C hem :) Nu sover de små och jag har precis ätit en sallad med lax, kidneybönor, tomat och purjolök. I eftermiddag ska vi åka till barnens kompisar och äta middag! Och imorgon är det redan onsdag. Den här veckan kommer gå fort. Förövrigt så somnade jag halv nio igår och vaknade kvart i åtta imorse. ;)

Dagens citat: In 20 years you will be more disappointed by what you didn't do than by what you did.

måndag 29 augusti 2011


Igår drog jag ut och jogga i 45 minuter! Gick mycket bättre än vad jag trodde eftersom det var första joggingrundan efter halsflussen. Och idag var det bankholidays vilket betyder att jag var ledig. Tog en långpromenad, sen åkte vi till Goldaming. Där var det en thai festival.

Nu har jag precis städat, tvättat, diskat och ätit middag och är heeelt slut. Funderar på att kolla på en film. Imorgon blir det jobb och jogga. See ya!

lördag 27 augusti 2011

Lisas födelsedag

Sjukt kul kväll igår i London! Drog hem till Lisa i Amersham i norra London först. Vi gjorde oss i ordning, drack vin och åt middag. Sen drog vi in till Shoreditch i London med Lisas vänner och gick till olika nattklubbar. Kvällen avslutades med subway och en taxi hem till Lisa i Amersham. Imorse dukade Lisas mamma upp en frukost buffé med nybakat bröd, hemmagjord plommonsylt, omelett och kaffe. Så mysigt. De har vindruvor och fikon i trädgården som vi också åt! (Jag vill också ha det i min framtida trädgård.) Sen spenderade vi dagen med att se på 'the holiday'. Nu är jag tillbaks i Guildford och sitter barnvakt hela kvällen/natten. Och igår var det äntligen sista dagen på min pencillinkur, wooho! Så imorgon kan jag äntligen dra ut och jogga. Nu ska se på solsidan! Ha en trevlig lördagskväll allesammans.

torsdag 25 augusti 2011


imorgon är det sista dagen på min pencillinkur, hurra!!!! äntligen kan jag börja träna igen.

håller på att tvätta, nu måste jag diska, sen städa hela övervåningen.
imorgon är det fredag, då står london på kvällens schema.


onsdag 24 augusti 2011


Redan onsdag. Den här veckan har gått så fort! Och nu skiner solen igen, wooho! Men det känns som hösten snart är här nu.

Lisa fyllde år i veckan, så vi ska fira hennes födelsedag i London på fredag :) Trevlans. Och så pratar jag med Lara på skype, vi ska försöka planera in en helg när jag kan komma och hälsa på henne i Holland där hon pluggar på Universitet. ;) Och guuud vad jag saknar min fina underbara vän Sofie.

7 oktober kommer jag hem.. 6,5 vecka kvar!!!


tisdag 23 augusti 2011


Regnat hela dagen hittills. Så vi har varit inomhus hela förmiddagen, lekt, pysslat, målat och lekt med lego, tåg, bilar, läst böcker, ätit lunch. Nu sover de små och jag har precis slängt i mig en bönssallad. Kommer nog regna hela dagen. Men i eftermiddag kommer barnens kompisar hit på middag. Roligt! Och nu har jag ätit pencillin i 6 dagar, 4 dagar kvar sen kan jag börja jogga :)  finally! Och Igår var det Lisas födelsedag så på fredag ska vi göra något kul i London. :)

måndag 22 augusti 2011


Hittade en tabell på internet!

Armhävningar: Såhär i listan för tjejer: Ålder - 20-29 år, "Utmärkt" - då ska man klara >32 st, "Bra" - 23-32 st, "Medel" - 12-22 st, "under medel" - 1-11 st


Såhär står det i tabellen för både kvinnor och män i åldern 18-25 år: "Utmärkt" - >43 st, "Bra" - 37-43 st, "Över medel" - 33-36 st, "Medel" - 29-32 st, "Under medel" - 25-28 st, "Dåligt" - 18-24 st, "Mycket dåligt" - <18 st.


Såhär står det i tabellen för kvinnor i åldern 18-25: "Utmärkt" - >43 st, "Bra" - 37-43 st, "Över medel" - 33-36 st, "Medel" - 29-32 st, "Under medel" - 25-28 st, "Dåligt" - 18-24 st, "Mycket dåligt" - <18 st.

I konditionstestet ska man sedan springa 2,5 km och se hur lång tid det tar. Man får både gå, jogga och springa, hur man vill. Huvudsaken är att man håller koll på distansen och tiden. "Utmärkt" - <12 minuter och 50 sekunder, "Bra" - 12.51 - 14.24 minuter, "Godkänt" - 14.25 - 15.25 minuter, "Dåligt" - >15 minuter och 26 sekunder.

söndag 21 augusti 2011


Sjukt rolig söndag. Vi drog till Englands kust och åkte jetski, grymt kuul!!! Vi åkte så fort längs Portsmouth och sedan stannade vi en stund på Isle of Wight! Solen sken, underbart!! Sen blev det fish and chips till lunch, efter det begav vi hos till min tjejkompis och badade jacuzzi. Mycket bra söndag! Nästa gång ska vi åka båt längs kusten och fiska makrill som vi sedan ska grilla ;)

Isle of Wight


fredag 19 augusti 2011


Imorgon är det lördag. Det som står på schemat är att gå och handla yoghurt & bananer, tvätta och göra mig i ordning inför en födelsedagsfest som är imorgon. Mår bättre nu så imorgon kommer jag må superb.

Your erroneous zones

Nu har jag hunnit diska, hänga tvätt, storstäda mitt rum, promenerat, hämtat ut mer pencillin från doktorn. Och klockan är bara tio i ett. Dricker te, läsa nyheter och bloggar blir min sysselsättning idag. Hoppas på att må lite bättre imorgon. Kollar runt på kursutbud och utbildningar på olika universitet och högskolor till våren. Och nu gled jag in på resor till Thailand. Jag blir sugen på att åka dit 2 veckor i januari.. hmmm.. och nästa sommar vill jag åka till Italien och Gotland. Pengar pengar pengar...


Solen skiner. Kommer bli 25 grader varmt idag. Vad roligt att vara sjuk då.... åh blir så less.
Tänkte gå och simma och basta idag, men simbassängen är stängd. Suck. Mår inge bra idag, halsfluss sliter på kroppen verkar det som. Vet inte vad jag ska göra idag, måste vila. Ska storstäda mitt rum, hänga tvätt och sedan hämta ut mer pencillin hos doktorn. OCH så tänker jag nog dricka en kopp te i solen. Så får det bli. Och ikväll ligga och kolla på solsidan. Men börjar bli rastlös. Jag måste ta bort halsmandlarna när jag kommer hem. På tal om att komma hem. Nu är min flygbiljett bokad. Kommer hem fredag 7 oktober!

Nu orkar jag inte ligga i sängen längre. Nu; hänga tvätt!

torsdag 18 augusti 2011

I know

Imorgon är det fredag och jag är faktiskt ledig! Härligt, men känns surt att äta pencillin, jag vill ju ut och jogga. Men så kom jag på att jag kan dra till Sport centret och simma och basta istället! Woho! Sen kanske jag åker till Amersham imorgon och sover över hos Lisa, eller så kommer hon till mig. Vi får se hur jag mår också.

Ännu en underbar arbetsvecka avslutad i Guildford. Jag kommer sakna den här vardagen. A sa: I love you so much Tilly. Lovely little boy..

ten days to go

Äta pencillin i 10 dagar, känns inge kul. Nu är det i och för sig 9 dagar. Jag vill jogga, känner abs.

Kan bli Södertörns Högskola i vår. Kommer ta mig 1 timme och 10 minuter att åka dit. Alltså 2 timmar och 20 minuter pendlande/dag. No problems.

Nu: jobba!
See ya.

onsdag 17 augusti 2011

Tredje gången i år

Jahapp. Så har man fått halsfluss igen - för ovanlighetens skull. Tredje gången för i år. Hurra! Nej men allvarligt, måste operera bort mandlarna när jag kommer hem till Sverige. Läkaren här i England bad mig göra det så fort jag kommer hem för såhär kan man ju inte ha det. Hatar det här pencillinet för måste äta 8 tabletter om dagen i 10 dagar, bläää. Jag som vill jogga!!!!!!!! Ååååh vad det suger. I hate tonsillitis!

tisdag 16 augusti 2011

Fin dag!

Idag sa Jayne & Matthew att de vill att jag gärna stannar 3 veckor längre än vad vi bestämt. Jag blev glad, men tyvärr så börjar min kurs 10 oktober och de ville att jag skulle stanna t.o.m. 23 oktober. Men en vecka längre kan jag i alla fall stanna. Så den 7 eller 8 oktober kommer jag hem istället för 2 oktober som egentligen var bestämt från första början. Det känns bra, ska bli kul att kunna vara med barnen en vecka längre. Kommer sakna de så mycket. Och Jayne berättade idag att det kommer bli så ledsna när jag åker. Jag med!

Dagen har varit bra. På förmiddagen var vi hos barnens kompisar, lekte, pysslade och åt lunch. Sen på eftermiddagen tog jag hand om barnen, vi gick till en park, lekte, tittade på ankorna, sen hem och gjorde middag och nu sover dem. Idag sa C att jag är hans bästa vän, så underbar!

söndag 14 augusti 2011

Jag tog mig ut!

Jag tog en dusch, sen mötte jag upp Liisi. Vi åt på subway, jag åt en kyckling baugette, sedan gick vi till 'kendrews' & köpte med oss en god aloe vera dryck (sjukt nyttig), sen nötter, russin och glass och tog en lång promenad på 2 timmar. Vi gick längs sjön i Guildford, var så fint! En bra söndag med andra ord. Dock känner jag mig väldigt förkyld nu, men här kommer iaf lite bilder från promenaden:

Inget kan få mig att skratta som solsidan...

Har legat inne hela dagen. Känner mig inte bra alls. Har sovit, vilat om vartannat. Vaknade precis efter en powernap. Har kollat på 1/3 av solsidan boxen 2, fyfan vad kul det är. Ska kolla på sista skivan snart. Funderar på att ta en dusch och sen dra ut och äta middag, men vet inte om jag orkar. Ursch, vill ju vara frisk!

Idag är en dag då jag vill hem till Stockholm, jag saknar faktiskt Stockholm, mina vänner, min familj och att prata svenska. Så är det med det. Men är hemma om 6 veckor, nedräkning.


Igår vaknade jag kvart över nio, så skönt. Drog ut och joggade i 47 min, nööjd. Gick sjukt bra. Sen mötte jag upp Milena, vi tog en promenad genom stan och hade sedan en picknick i en park. Det var hennes sista dag igår. Nu har hon nog förmodligen landat i Riga. Blev en tidig kväll, gick hem och läste en bok och somnade tidigt. Vaknade upp idag med huvudvärk och känner mig lite förkyld. Bläää. Jag som vill ut och jogga, men mår inte så bra alls, så får vänta med det. Idag blir det att vila hemma tror jag. Kanske tar en promend senare till staden och köper en kaffe på Starbucks..

fredag 12 augusti 2011


Nu är det Milenas sista helg. Känns tråkigt. Vi åt middag ikväll, sen tog vi en liten kvällspromenad. Hon gav mig ett armband som ett minne, åååh så gulligt! Ska definitivt åka och hälsa på henne i Riga. Vi ska ses imorgon också, får se vad dagen bjuder på. För på söndag åker hon hem.

Nu är jag helt slut. Så god natt folket.

torsdag 11 augusti 2011

6 månader

Snart har jag bott i England i 6 månader. Kommer hem till Sverige om 7 veckor. Osannolikt.

Big red buss, big red buss, mini mini mini and ferrari

A är fortfarande sjuk i vattkoppor. Stackarn. C & O mår bra nu så vi gick till en park och lekte och fikade på Starbucks. Och så fick de bakad potatis, ärtor och bönor till lunch. Nu sover alla och städarna är här. När C & O vaknar ska vi till staden för det är någon barn teater där, mysigt. Och imorgon är det fredag, undrar vad Guildford har att erbjuda då... blir nog middag ute med Milena.

tisdag 9 augusti 2011

Kaos i England

Alltså vart är världen påväg? Först det fruktansvärda i Norge och nu hemskheter och KAOS i England.

Initial London riots / UK riots
Saturday 6 August
Saturday 6 August
Police are called to High Street Enfield after reports shop windows are being smashed. A police vehicle is damaged.  18:28 Sunday 7 August
Police are called to High Street Enfield after reports shop windows are being smashed. A police vehicle is damaged.

18:28 Sunday 7 August
Chingford Mount
Three officers are injured after being hit by a vehicle in Chingford Mount, Waltham Forest. The officers had been making arrests after a shop was looted.Sunday 7 August
Three officers are injured after being hit by a vehicle in Chingford Mount, Waltham Forest. The officers had been making arrests after a shop was looted. Sunday 7 August
Up to 200 youths looted shops and charged police in Coldharbour Lane and the High Street, Sunday 8 August
Up to 200 youths looted shops and charged police in Coldharbour Lane and the High Street, Sunday 8 August
Oxford Circus
Fifty youths gathered in Oxford Circus, central London, and threw objects at shops: Sunday 7 August
Fifty youths gathered in Oxford Circus, central London, and threw objects at shops: Sunday 7 August
More than 30 youths vandalised and looted shops: Sunday 7 August
More than 30 youths vandalised and looted shops: Sunday 7 August
Waltham Forest
Gangs of youths attack officers and shops are targeted. Sunday 7 August
Gangs of youths attack officers and shops are targeted. Sunday 7 August
Ponder's End
A Tesco store in Ponders End was attacked and items stolen: Sunday 7 August
A Tesco store in Ponders End was attacked and items stolen: Sunday 7 August
Sunday 7 August
Sunday 7 August
A police vehicle windscreen was smashed during a disturbance in Islington: Sunday 7 August
A police vehicle windscreen was smashed during a disturbance in Islington: Sunday 7 August
Monday 8 August 2011  http://www.viceland.com/wp/2011/08/the-battle-of-mare-street/
Monday 8 August 2011

Vehicles set on fire, Monday 8 August
Vehicles set on fire, Monday 8 August
Vehicles set on fire and shops looted BBC News Channel 20:48 Mon 8 Aug    Photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/tomroyal/sets/72157627391514174/ 8:35 Tue 9 Aug
Vehicles set on fire and shops looted
BBC News Channel 20:48 Mon 8 Aug

8:35 Tue 9 Aug
Looters/rioters moments ago causing chaos along the Walworth road, Camberwell - Monday 8 August https://twitter.com/psythor/status/100631547559940096
Looters/rioters moments ago causing chaos along the Walworth road, Camberwell - Monday 8 August
Reports of Deptford violence. Daily Telegraph reporting fires.  19:40 Mon 8 August
Reports of Deptford violence. Daily Telegraph reporting fires.

19:40 Mon 8 August
"Several premises attacked in centre" (West Midlands Police) Source: BBC News  http://birminghamriots2011.tumblr.com/  20:06 Monday 8 Aug
"Several premises attacked in centre" (West Midlands Police) Source: BBC News


20:06 Monday 8 Aug
Swarms of youths in hoods and masks are confronting the police from every junction to London Road. Bricks, bottles and sticks were thrown at the police line, who are armed with batons and riot shields...
Swarms of youths in hoods and masks are confronting the police from every junction to London Road. Bricks, bottles and sticks were thrown at the police line, who are armed with batons and riot shields.
Source: http://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/news/local/topstories/9183466.LIVE__Riot_fallout_hits_Croydon/
19:59 Mon 8 Aug

A bus was set alight as rioters took to the streets.
BBC News
22:14 Mon 8 Aug

Police at the scene of the Croydon disturbances are investigating a "non-fatal" shooting, according to a source.
BBC News
23:49 Mon 8 Aug
East Ham
Looting reported 20:02 BBC News Channel; Mon 8 Aug
Looting reported
20:02 BBC News Channel; Mon 8 Aug
Mike Gapes, MP: Gang of copycat thug outsiders have gone on rampage in Ilford High Rd and Ilford Lane. http://twitter.com/#!/MikeGapes/status/100649736155049986  20:55 Mon 8 Aug
Mike Gapes, MP: Gang of copycat thug outsiders have gone on rampage in Ilford High Rd and Ilford Lane.

20:55 Mon 8 Aug
Vandals shattered the front windows of Ladbrokes, in Franciscan Road, Tooting, and nearby CEX, in Mitcham Road.  http://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/news/local/wandsworthnews/9184042.Tooting_stores_tar...
Vandals shattered the front windows of Ladbrokes, in Franciscan Road, Tooting, and nearby CEX, in Mitcham Road.

Sat 6 August
A group of about 15 masked men broke into a shop at around 2.30am and stole almost £1000 of goods, including laptops and new phones.  Looters also targeted a nearby off-licence – S  G Food and News - ...
A group of about 15 masked men broke into a shop at around 2.30am and stole almost £1000 of goods, including laptops and new phones.
Looters also targeted a nearby off-licence – S & G Food and News - shortly after 9.30pm.
Sun 7 Aug
Clapham Junction
100 to 200 people involved in a riot in Lavender Hill. Sky News reporter 21:15 Mon 8 Aug  Chris Rogers, BBC News Channel 21:46 Mon 8 Aug  Debenhams apparently one of the targets 21:52
100 to 200 people involved in a riot in Lavender Hill. Sky News reporter
21:15 Mon 8 Aug

Chris Rogers, BBC News Channel
21:46 Mon 8 Aug

Debenhams apparently one of the targets
Walworth Road, Camberwell
Reported looting on Twitter  21:38 Mon 8 Aug
Reported looting on Twitter

21:38 Mon 8 Aug
Colliers Wood
Multiple reports of shops on fire and looters at Tandem Centre  https://twitter.com/nandos_official/status/100616881517510656 https://twitter.com/tanyth_jones/status/10066891645138534Ey5    Eye-witnes...
Multiple reports of shops on fire and looters at Tandem Centre


Corporation St, Birmingham
Channel 4 News has spoken to one eyewitness, Omar Siddique, who was leaving work at 8pm, he said trouble was "brewing". "There must have been 20 police vans and 100 uniformed officers on Corporation S...
Channel 4 News has spoken to one eyewitness, Omar Siddique, who was leaving work at 8pm, he said trouble was "brewing".
"There must have been 20 police vans and 100 uniformed officers on Corporation Street in the city centre.
"Whole herds of youths were running up and down, but I didn't see anybody throwing missiles."
Three Sisters pub, Seven Sisters
At five lane junction outside the Three Sisters pub a police car just tried to drive down a road blocked by a gang of youths. The windscreen was smashed and pelted with bricks before the driver manage...
At five lane junction outside the Three Sisters pub a police car just tried to drive down a road blocked by a gang of youths. The windscreen was smashed and pelted with bricks before the driver managed to speed off. Someone screamed that the police car had run a person over but it wasn't the case. Extremely dangerous for any police to go near.
20:43 Mon 8 Aug
Riot also in Woolwich Town Centre, police car on fire, the bus I took home had rocks thrown at it and a window was smashed. See pics here: http://lockerz.com/s/127849623 http://lockerz.com/s/127839338...
Riot also in Woolwich Town Centre, police car on fire, the bus I took home had rocks thrown at it and a window was smashed.
See pics here:

DIrect from Emanuel
22:23 Mon 8 Aug

23:35 Mon 8 Aug
Loughborough Junction
Sam Francis is in Loughborough Junction Brixton, where he witnessed 30 youths, faces covered, being chased into the station by two police officers. Police vans and cars were also in pursuit, and block...
Sam Francis is in Loughborough Junction Brixton, where he witnessed 30 youths, faces covered, being chased into the station by two police officers. Police vans and cars were also in pursuit, and blocked the youths inside the station.
22:36 Mon 8 Aug
"Thugs in Hackney, East London, smashed up shop fronts and hurled missiles at riot cops. Similar scenes broke out in Lewisham, Barking and Peckham, where buildings went up in flames with firemen initi...
"Thugs in Hackney, East London, smashed up shop fronts and hurled missiles at riot cops. Similar scenes broke out in Lewisham, Barking and Peckham, where buildings went up in flames with firemen initially unable to reach them." - The Sun
22:38 Mon 8 Aug

"it passed the end of my road. I spoke to locals who confirmed damage."
22:42 Mon 8 Aug
Wood Green
Car fires, looters. http://www.biggreenbookshop.com/blog/info_11.html Sun 7 Aug
Car fires, looters.
Sun 7 Aug
Notting Hill
Multiple reports on Twitter  https://twitter.com/fjoms/status/100686636127490048 https://twitter.com/elliehernaman/status/100685703658221569 https://twitter.com/matinastevis/status/100685275000352769 ...
Multiple reports on Twitter

Bus set on fire. "We've detoured to Dalston where a bus was set on fire in shacklewell lane earlier. The single deck bus is now cordoned off and there doesn't seem to be much damage, but the incident ...
Bus set on fire.
"We've detoured to Dalston where a bus was set on fire in shacklewell lane earlier. The single deck bus is now cordoned off and there doesn't seem to be much damage, but the incident has clearly shaken the large Turkish community here. Many shopkeepers are on the street talking about how they chased away the gang of youths behind the bus fire."
22:47 Mon 8 Aug
BBCLondonNews: Camden High Street, Chalk Farm Road now closed with reported rioting. https://twitter.com/bbclondonnews/status/100684903242416128 23:17 Mon 8 Aug
BBCLondonNews: Camden High Street, Chalk Farm Road now closed with reported rioting.
23:17 Mon 8 Aug
Ealing Broadway
Ealing Broadway now closed with reported rioting. https://twitter.com/bbclondonnews/status/100690778782838785 23:21 Mon 8 Aug  Rioting is taking place in Ealing, west London, where the windows of a Te...
Ealing Broadway now closed with reported rioting.
23:21 Mon 8 Aug

Rioting is taking place in Ealing, west London, where the windows of a Tesco supermarket have been put out, a car is on fire and rubbish is strewn in public areas. There is also a fire in Haven Green park, opposite Ealing Broadway Tube.
23:27 Mon 8 Aug
Camden Town
Electric Ballroom in Camden has just been smashed up. https://twitter.com/camdenpubcrawl/status/100684602988953600 23:34 Mon 8 Aug
Electric Ballroom in Camden has just been smashed up.
23:34 Mon 8 Aug
Unconfirmed reports of Primark and other stores on fire. Stations closed. @bbclondonnews: Bromley High St is closed with repotrs of rioting, according to London Buses. 23:47 Mon 8 Aug
Unconfirmed reports of Primark and other stores on fire. Stations closed.
@bbclondonnews: Bromley High St is closed with repotrs of rioting, according to London Buses.
23:47 Mon 8 Aug
Isle of Dogs
Fire on Spindrift Avenue, Isle of Dogs https://twitter.com/ryan0_uk/status/100700804410908672 https://twitter.com/sazsmo/status/100700646369542144 https://twitter.com/petermalynn/status/10070060371766...
Fire on Spindrift Avenue, Isle of Dogs
23:56 Mon 8 Aug
Roman Road
Looters break into Zee  Co. https://twitter.com/rebeccaklein11/status/100702915487989760 https://twitter.com/sarahrainey4/status/100669609321037824 https://twitter.com/craig4589/status/100702418567831...
Looters break into Zee & Co.
00:00 Tue 9 Aug

Eye witness
00:51 Tue 9 Aug

Harringay Arena
Looting and attempted robbery http://www.harringayonline.com/forum/topics/midnight-looting-at-arena-last-night 00:00 Monday 8 August
Looting and attempted robbery
00:00 Monday 8 August
St John's Hill, Clapham
"Police have arrived at St John’s Hill in Clapham and rapidly brought the area under control." http://thewestlondoner.wordpress.com/ 23:54 Mon 8 Aug
"Police have arrived at St John’s Hill in Clapham and rapidly brought the area under control."
23:54 Mon 8 Aug
Surrey Quays
2337: Looters are being chased down by police in Surrey Quays. http://thewestlondoner.wordpress.com/ 23:37 Mon 8 Aug
2337: Looters are being chased down by police in Surrey Quays.
23:37 Mon 8 Aug
Fulham Broadway
"Cars have been torched in Fulham Broadway." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8687177/London-riots-live.html 00:01 Tue 9 Aug
"Cars have been torched in Fulham Broadway."
00:01 Tue 9 Aug
East Dulwich
Tom Whitehead, the Daily Telegraph's Home Affairs editor, reports a group of around 30 hooded and masked youths have targeted East Dulwich, smashing windows at a pubm, pharmacy and convinience store. ...
Tom Whitehead, the Daily Telegraph's Home Affairs editor, reports a group of around 30 hooded and masked youths have targeted East Dulwich, smashing windows at a pubm, pharmacy and convinience store.
23:41 Mon 8 Aug
Telegraph reporter Emily Gosden says shop windows have been broken and piles of ruibbish set alight in Balham, South London. 23:05 Mon 8 August
Telegraph reporter Emily Gosden says shop windows have been broken and piles of ruibbish set alight in Balham, South London.
23:05 Mon 8 August
Old Kent Road
The BBC reports looting on the Old Kent Road and Tower Bridge areas of London, with Barclays Bank, Tesco, Argos and Curry's targetted by youths on bikes. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8...
The BBC reports looting on the Old Kent Road and Tower Bridge areas of London, with Barclays Bank, Tesco, Argos and Curry's targetted by youths on bikes.
23:41 Mon 8 Aug
South Woodford
Jeweller and bank broken into https://twitter.com/jackamos_/status/100706676012883969 00:15 Tue 9 Aug
Jeweller and bank broken into
00:15 Tue 9 Aug
Debenhams attacked. https://twitter.com/lewisoutten/status/100707567063416832 contains a video. 00:24 Tue 9 Aug
Debenhams attacked.
https://twitter.com/lewisoutten/status/100707567063416832 contains a video.
00:24 Tue 9 Aug
Essex Road
I've just returned from Hackney riots and was ambushed just off Essex Road and had my bike snatched by a group of six masked teenagers waiting on Ecclesbourne Road who were shouting "take the bike, ta...
I've just returned from Hackney riots and was ambushed just off Essex Road and had my bike snatched by a group of six masked teenagers waiting on Ecclesbourne Road who were shouting "take the bike, take the bike".
I was forced to swerve away from them but crashed to the ground. Just as one of the thieves grabbed my bike from under me a red van raced screeched around the corner and smashed into a parked car. Two young men then got out and the man in passenger seat then put his hand in his pocket and threatened to pull a on knife on the thieves, accusing them of stealing his bike earlier.
23:54 Mon 8 Aug
Hurst St
Robbed http://birminghamriots2011.tumblr.com/post/8664167356/just-when-things-seemed-to-be-calming-down-djbenm 00:24 Tue 9 Aug
00:24 Tue 9 Aug
Holyhead Road
Reports that a police station, said to be the Holyhead Road one in Handsworth has been set ablaze and that this is a picture of it. Things appear to be escalating around the imminent area. http://birm...
Reports that a police station, said to be the Holyhead Road one in Handsworth has been set ablaze and that this is a picture of it. Things appear to be escalating around the imminent area.
00:16 Tue 9 Aug
Canning Town
Riot in canning town earlier, I got some pictures. Went from one end of barking road to the other http://twitpic.com/photos/Georgedecat https://twitter.com/georgedecat/status/100712064787558400 00:39 ...
Riot in canning town earlier, I got some pictures. Went from one end of barking road to the other
00:39 Tue 9 Aug
Waltham Cross
Rioters have smashed their way into a jeweller's and two police cars have been damaged after violence seen in London spread to Hertfordshire. Hertfordshire's police say they received several calls fro...
Rioters have smashed their way into a jeweller's and two police cars have been damaged after violence seen in London spread to Hertfordshire.
Hertfordshire's police say they received several calls from the public from 9.50pm on Sunday 7 August 2011 to reports of groups of youths in Waltham Cross and Cheshunt. Officers in high visibility clothing were deployed to the area.
21:50 Sun 7 August
Blackheath been got. Designer clothes shop Rogue smashed up http://yfrog.com/gzejltclj https://twitter.com/josscrowley/status/100713252450861057 00:44 Tue 9 Aug
Blackheath been got. Designer clothes shop Rogue smashed up
00:44 Tue 9 Aug
Twitter reports: A Wetherspoons in Lee has been targetted in a "mass mugging." Police were rung but did not pick up. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8687177/London-riots-live.html 00:46 T...
Twitter reports: A Wetherspoons in Lee has been targetted in a "mass mugging." Police were rung but did not pick up.
00:46 Tue 9 Aug

AJRyland: @JamesCridland Wetherspoons being mugged in Lee http://j.mp/mVzHTw (also confirmed by managers on phone).
http://yfrog.com/h75jygfj Granada Reports 00:49 Tue 9 Aug
Granada Reports
00:49 Tue 9 Aug
Workers at Best Buy on Harlesden High Street fought off attempts to enter their shop from a gang of around 20 thieves, alleged to be aged 13-26, carrying bits of wood from nearby shop fronts and stole...
Workers at Best Buy on Harlesden High Street fought off attempts to enter their shop from a gang of around 20 thieves, alleged to be aged 13-26, carrying bits of wood from nearby shop fronts and stolen wooden mops.
00:54 Tue 9 Aug
Portobello Road
Patrick Wetergreen, a BBC IT technician, tells us he saw looters on Portabello Road, which is near his west London home. He says several car windows on the street were smashed, a moped was on fire and...
Patrick Wetergreen, a BBC IT technician, tells us he saw looters on Portabello Road, which is near his west London home. He says several car windows on the street were smashed, a moped was on fire and he saw about 50 people, the majority of whom had covered their faces.
00:49 Tue 9 Aug
Peckham High Street
BBC London says there is criminal activity on the A202 Peckham High Street, which is blocked near Rye Lane - with shops being smashed and buses attacked. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14449675  18:16 M...
BBC London says there is criminal activity on the A202 Peckham High Street, which is blocked near Rye Lane - with shops being smashed and buses attacked.
18:16 Mon 8 Aug
Bethnal Green Road
Road riot late afternoon, Monday 8 Aughttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OM85NQ_5PYfeature=youtu.be
Road riot late afternoon, Monday 8 Aug
Just watching a group of teenagers ransack Iceland in Peckham. They're running in and out with armfuls of food and drink. Not a policeman in sight. Someone on the street is yelling "make sure you get ...
Just watching a group of teenagers ransack Iceland in Peckham. They're running in and out with armfuls of food and drink. Not a policeman in sight. Someone on the street is yelling "make sure you get Frebreze".
20:56 Mon 8 Aug
Enfield Lock
http://yfrog.com/mdi5gz There are reports of a fire at the Sony warehouse in Enfield, north London. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14449675 00:54 Tue 9 Aug  The Sony warehouse centre at 6 Solar Way,Enfi...
There are reports of a fire at the Sony warehouse in Enfield, north London.
00:54 Tue 9 Aug

The Sony warehouse centre at 6 Solar Way,Enfield, is the only UK centre for 'Sony DADC' and a large section of the UK's digital media is stored there.
Tommy Thomson, a witness, tells BBC news he saw 20 male youths coming out the smashed doors of building, carrying consoles. One punched him before driving off. He returned to his Premier Inn hotel workplace. Five minutes later he saw the blaze rip through the warehouse. He helped evacuate guests from the hotel. He says he does not know if there was anyone in the building but many workers have evening shifts.
Ealing Broadway
Tesco Express looted Sky News 01:20 Tue 9 Aug
Tesco Express looted
Sky News
01:20 Tue 9 Aug
Camberwell Green
Witness David Francis reports rioting in Camberwell Green, South London. He says he was punched in the face by "what felt like very reals pearls wrapped around a masked rioters' fist." http://www.tele...
Witness David Francis reports rioting in Camberwell Green, South London. He says he was punched in the face by "what felt like very reals pearls wrapped around a masked rioters' fist."
01:18 Tue 9 Aug
West Ealing
"John Skinner from West Ealing writes "Young people were dragging boxed flat screen TV's in their hands with impunity. I saw a convoy of police cars driving past. The officers were clearly stretched. ...
"John Skinner from West Ealing writes "Young people were dragging boxed flat screen TV's in their hands with impunity. I saw a convoy of police cars driving past. The officers were clearly stretched. No cars stopped. I also saw Seba Electronics being ransacked; two or three TV's were stolen by one person. His audacity brought gasps from onlookers. I feel awful for the owner and his wife who are always pleasant and helpful and have had their business there for years. They do not deserve what has happened. Carphone Warehouse is engulfed by plumes of smoke. Wilkinsons, Boots, Cash Converters and other stores in the area were also attacked."
BBC News
05:40 Tue 9 Aug
The Ledbury, Notting Hill
"The restaurant staff was yelling at us to get away from the windows.  Before I knew it, the front door, a solid piece of glass shattered and people came crashing in with hoodies, masks, and random we...
"The restaurant staff was yelling at us to get away from the windows. Before I knew it, the front door, a solid piece of glass shattered and people came crashing in with hoodies, masks, and random weapons."
21:00 Mon 8 Aug
St Annes Nottingham
About 40 vehicles were set on fire in a night of violence in Nottingham described by one senior officer as "motivated" by the London riots. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-1445558...
About 40 vehicles were set on fire in a night of violence in Nottingham described by one senior officer as "motivated" by the London riots.
23:30 Monday 8 Aug
Victoria Centre, Nottingham
Police foiled an attempt to break into the Victoria Centre in the city centre. Police said the trouble began when a group of about 30 people threw missiles at a marked police car in Abbotsford Drive i...
Police foiled an attempt to break into the Victoria Centre in the city centre. Police said the trouble began when a group of about 30 people threw missiles at a marked police car in Abbotsford Drive in St Ann's.
Officers said the group then went to the city centre and tried to break into JD Sports in the Victoria Centre.
00:01 Tue 9 Aug
A group of about 20 youths, who had their faces covered by balaclavas and masks, had gathered initially on Dean Street where a stand-off with police took place.  Police then went through Bishop Street...
A group of about 20 youths, who had their faces covered by balaclavas and masks, had gathered initially on Dean Street where a stand-off with police took place.

Police then went through Bishop Street to Little Bishop Street where the first major confrontation took place outside the Jamaica Inn. Stones and bottles rained down on officers as they charged and then retreated to force the group, joined by another 20 or 30 masked youths, back. Car windows were smashed, while wheelie bins were set alight in the middle of the streets.
00:01 Tues 9 Aug
Barnsbury Road
Micycle looted. Video from owner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jrPG6Uypbkfeature=player_embedded Mon 8 Aug
Micycle looted.
Video from owner
Mon 8 Aug
Crystal Palace
Following an attack on the Blockbuster Video store, in Westow Street, about 20 locals decided they would protect the road. A gang of about five youths had been hanging around looking for opportunities...